Building A Better Smile

For years I was embarrassed over the appearance of my teeth. Especially being a dental ceramist. I felt like every time I told someone what I did for a living, their eyes immediately went...

My Smile Dream Came True

I have always been extremely self-conscious about my smile. In my teenage years I had unattractive gaps between my front teeth. I was really embarrassed to smile and never smiled in pictures. Most teenagers...

I Got the Winning Smile

I have had the privilege of working for Arrowhead Dental Laboratory and the Dr. Dick Barnes Group for ten years. During that time I have seen amazing smile transformations from both a clinical and technical perspective. Although I knew the process rather well, my own experience as a patient was surprising.

Ask the Missing Question

The first thing I notice about people is their teeth. I was born missing a tooth, which led to self-consciousness and years of orthodontic treatment. I always wondered what it would be like to have a big, beautiful smile.

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