Get Barnesified

Insight and advice from Dr. Dick Barnes based upon his experiences creating a highly productive practice focused on delivering optimal solutions to his patients.

Active Leadership

The Secret to a More Productive Practice. Dentists often ask me, “What is the secret to a more productive practice?” This question reminds me of the poem, “The Secret of the Sea,” by Henry Wadsworth...

Embrace the Journey

As I speak to dentists around the country about what it means to succeed in dentistry, I’m struck by their assumptions about success.

Make It Happen

Let Life Evolve and Success Will Follow. A new year has just begun and you have a new opportunity to make this your most productive year yet. With that in mind, I’ve decided to share...

Embracing Change

What's Holding You and Your Patients Back? For over forty years, the Dr. Dick Barnes Group and Arrowhead Dental Laboratory have made it our goal to help dentists become better and more productive. During that...

Trust Is a Must

EMPOWERING YOUR DENTAL TEAM. Over the years, I’ve visited with thousands of dentists about the importance of making the dental office “dream team” a reality. Often, dentists mistakenly think that going to the right school,...

The Three Most Powerful Words in Dentistry

USE THEM TO CHANGE YOUR PRACTICE! Emily Dickinson, the nineteenth-century American poet, reportedly once wrote, “I know nothing in the world that has as much power as a word.” I am a big believer in the...

The Dental Insurance Conundrum

How Dentists Can Avoid the Trap of Compromised Care. Recently the ADA News published an article with the headline: “Dentists remain cautious about economic conditions in their practices.” I was baffled and dumbfounded by the...

Mind Over Matter

SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY TO TURN EVERY POSITIVE THOUGHT INTO ACTION. Circumstance does not make the man; it reveals him to himself.” Although James Allen wrote those words over a century ago, they contain some of...

Elevating Dentistry

The other day I was going through some files and I came across an article that I wrote in 1989. I was curious to know if the things I wrote back then were still...

Changing Directions

Have you ever wondered why some dentists seem to do much better financially? Do you hear colleagues talking about the comprehensive cases they have completed and find yourself saying, “I’m not into that kind of dentistry”? Do you feel as though this is boasting and could be taking advantage of the patient financially?

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