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Get Barnesified

Insight and advice from Dr. Dick Barnes based upon his experiences creating a highly productive practice focused on delivering optimal solutions to his patients.

Looking Inward

Ask,"What Kind of Dentist Do I Want to Be?" A new year is the ideal time to take a moment and examine your life—both personally and professionally. This is not a passive activity—it is a...

Visions for Leadership

Lessons from My Years in Practice. In July 2016, the Dr. Dick Barnes Group and Arrowhead Dental Laboratory is hosting a 40th Anniversary World Symposium in the scenic mountains of Park City, Utah. During the...

Do What Scares You

The start of a new year is a great time to examine the past year and make goals about the things we want to improve. Everyone seems to understand the concept of goal-setting, but...

The Unfinished Dentist

Ask, "What Kind of Dentist Do I Want to Be?" I am often asked what the difference is between dentists who are productive and profitable compared to those who seem to struggle. My answer is...

Pay It Forward

Mentor: a wise, trusted, experienced advisor; a consultant; one who advises or trains someone else (especially a younger colleague). In 1969, Assistant Dean Dr. Harvey Coleman asked me to teach at the University of Southern...

The Power of Introspection

Discovering Why We Do Things the Way We Do. One of the biggest obstacles to becoming a truly productive dentist is failing to ever question the way you do your work. As a dentist, it’s...

Get to the Front of the Line

Recently, as I was reflecting on my high school days, I was surprised at how many times in those early years my experiences taught me to look beyond expectations and find a better way....

Taking the Lead

Ignite Your Passion Through Dentistry. "Follow your passion” is a tidy cliché that for many has become a foundational ingredient for finding success and fulfillment. The phrase isn’t just a harmless, bumper-sticker philosophy, however; it’s...

Make Dentistry Great Again

Practice the Best Dentistry for You and Your Patients. In the last year, everyone has heard the phrase “Make America Great Again.” Regardless of your personal political affiliations, that slogan forces each of us to...

New Beginnings

The Time for Quality Dentistry is Now. Mechanical watches have always fascinated me. The precision, the craftsmanship, the innovation, and the artistry in fine timepieces are inspiring. In many ways, I based my approach to...

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