The Lasting Influence of Dr. Barnes: Part 1 – See the World Differently

On January 27, 2020, Dr. Dick Barnes, a friend and mentor to many in the dental industry, passed away after a short bout with pneumonia. As those who knew him were coming to terms...

Digital Smile Design Tips: DSD for Treatment-Planning and Case Presentation

As the owner and a dentist of Amesbury Dental Associates in Amesbury, MA, I have worked with Lauren Flate-Gianakakis, our front office coordinator, for several years. Together, we’ve worked at refining our strategies for...

Rise and Shine: 7 Tips to Make Morning Huddles Great

Morning huddles have been a daily part of many dental practices for a long time. But over time, huddles may seem like a nuisance. After the challenges of the past year and a half,...

Communicating Value: How to Get More Out of Cosmetic Dentistry

In the early 1990s, Dr. Dick Barnes wrote the following article. At the time, he had been lecturing for three decades, and a new pickup truck cost about $30,000. Many things have changed since...

Switching Places: From Treatment-Planner to Patient

You might say that I inherited my interest in the dental industry from my mom. While I was growing up, my mom worked for Dr. Henry Cheney, the previous owner of Amesbury Dental Associates...

A Different World

The year 2020 will go down in history as a year that changed everything. The experiences of last year will reshape our definition of “normal” life for many years to come. At Arrowhead Dental...

Do What Scares You

The start of a new year is a great time to examine the past year and make goals about the things we want to improve. Everyone seems to understand the concept of goal-setting, but...

Don’t Go It Alone

According to some estimates, as many as 70 percent of practicing dentists have never done a full arch reconstruction (FAR) in one seating. Since it can be a life-changing procedure for the patient and...

Don’ Wait Any Longer

The more I interact with other dentists, the more I realize that many dental professionals are just like everyone else: we avoid going to see a dentist, even when we really need to. I...

Making the Impossible Possible

In early 2019, I met a new patient who wanted to get some cosmetic work done. She had recently graduated with a Ph.D. in neuroscience and was planning a move from Texas, where Smile...

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