Are You Doing Discount Dentistry?

Why It's Important to Offer High-Quality Dentistry to Patients. Is there any way I can get a discount on that treatment?” Most dentists have encountered this question at some point in their careers. It’s not...

Course Correction

What I Learned After a Brain Tumor Diagnosis. I was recently at a continuing education dental seminar with the Dr. Dick Barnes Group when the conversation shifted to course corrections—the events that have the power...

It’s Never Too Late

Making the Dream of Dental School a Reality. My exposure to dentistry began when I extracted one of my younger sister’s loose primary teeth when I was about 10 or 11 years old. I literally...

A Dentist’s Spouse

Supporting Your Partner in a Two-Career Family. I am not a dentist, but I’m married to one. My wife, Michelle Cannon-Hubbard, D.D.S., and I have been married for nearly three years. Michelle has been in...

Sleeping Giant

Awaken the Production Potential of Sleep Dentistry. People who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) may have a longing to sleep just like the giant does in the above photo. However, this luxury isn’t an...

The Curious Question

HELP PATIENTS FIND LIFE-CHANGING DENTISTRY. Curiosity may be dangerous to cats, but it can be a lifesaver for the dentist/patient relationship. Simply put, curiosity can inspire questions that have the potential to transform your practice...

Out of Site, Out of Mind: Internet Marketing Tips, Part I

THE DANGERS OF NEGLECTING YOUR WEBSITE. This article is the first installment of a multi-part series on the topic of online marketing. Look for additional articles designed to help with your online marketing efforts in...

On the Same Page: Improving Communication with Your Dental Lab

IMPROVING COMMUNICATION WITH YOUR DENTAL LAB. Every human relationship depends upon open, honest communication in order to thrive. The relationships between dental labs and dentists are no different. In order to achieve the best results...

The Dental Headache

OPPORTUNITIES FOR DENTISTS AND PATIENTS ALIKE. If you asked physicians to name one of the most common afflictions from which Americans suffer, chances are they will say “headaches.” Chronic headaches are an overwhelming problem in...

Walk The Talk

GAINING FIRST-HAND KNOWLEDGE OF DENTAL PROCEDURES HELPS YOU CONNECT WITH YOUR PATIENTS. As a medical educator, my father always said, “Practice what you preach.” Throughout my dental career, I have chosen to live by this...

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