The Importance of First Impressions

Don't Ignore the Details that Can Differentiate Your Practice. You’ve probably heard the saying, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” When it comes to a dental practice, a visitor’s...

The Death of Fear

Dentistry stopped being about income and instead became my personal means for giving back to people.

Goodbye Gremlins

How to Overcome the Past and Get the Practice You Want. As a new dentist, I learned everything I could about building and growing my practice, including meeting key individuals who mentored me along the...

I Object!

GETTING PATIENTS TO SAY YES TO TREATMENT. You know the drill. A patient a comes into the office after an absence of several years. After the hygienist works on the patient, he or she sees...

Starting Blocks

IT'S NOT THE FINISH, BUT THE SETUP THAT COUNTS. Every successful track athlete knows the importance of a good start. If the starting blocks aren’t setup exactly right, if the feet aren’t placed in the...

BAM! The Metric That Makes a Friend of Your Finances

THE METRIC THAT MAKES A FRIEND OF YOUR FINANCES. Numbers. They can either be your friends or your enemies. Your closest chums or your fiercest foes. Believe me, it’s much easier on your health, happiness...

I’ve Worn That T-Shirt

“DOWN” WITH DENTAL DISCOURAGEMENTS: SUCCESSFUL WAYS TO OVERCOME THEM.  Often when I conduct my courses, I am greeted by dentists who share with me some of their professional difficulties. Some struggle with financial issues. Others...

A Room to Match the Message

A Room to Match the Message Over the past 25 years I have searched for the case acceptance pearl that will have patients saying a resounding “Yes” to recommended treatment. I thought that pearl would...

Demystifying the Structure

I don’t know about you, but I have always enjoyed seeing claims demystified. Oftentimes I find myself watching shows like “MythBusters” or visiting websites like to validate e-mail claims that promise success, wealth,...

Treating the Destructive Habit of Bruxism

Traditionally, dentistry has been a business based upon need. However, I have found that when my patients truly value dental health and wellness, then, at the very least, they are more appreciative of my...

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